Representing Manufacturing to Distribution For Over 100 years

P. O. Box 978
Gilbert, AZ 85299
Ph: (480) 892-6476
(714) 325-8361

Industrial . Construction . Hardware . Safety Supply . Trades . Lawn & Garden

Arizona, San Diego County, Orange County, Inland Empire and Hawaii
Mike Lewis, President
Phone: 602-690-0559
Email: mikelewis@jjbreps.comGreater Los Angeles, CA / San Fernando Valley, CA, / Ontario, CA
Walter HarrisPhone: 310-880-7905
Email: walterharris@jjbreps.comNorthern California and Northern Nevada
Rick Fetherkile
Phone: 925-766-1070
Email: rickf@jjbreps.comRocky Mountain Region / Colorado / New Mexico / Utah / Wyoming / Montana / Idaho
Dan Koole
Phone: 303-921-2681
Email: dankoole@jjbreps.comPacific Northwest Region: Washington, Oregon, Alaska
Rick Fetherkile
Phone: 925-766-1070
Email: rickf@jjbreps.comAdministrative Management, Accounting, Financial Operations and Treasurer
Cathy Lewis
Phone: 602-326-9378
Email: cathylewis@jjbreps.comAdministrative and Sales Assistance
714-325-8361 office@jjbreps.com sales@jjbreps.com